SQOOP - Import DB to Hive
SQOOP - Import DB to Hive
This article describe how to retrieve a database from SQL to dump it in hive.
Be sure to have enought rights to access database.
Retrieve DB with SQOOP and beeline
Sqoop Hive query
#Driver driver=sqlserver #IP or DNS ip=$SQL_IP #Port port=$SQL_PORT #User username=$SQL_USER #Password password=$SQL_PWD #Database database=Jobs #Folder in HDFS hdfsdest=/user/hdfs/path_to_empty_folder/$table #Importation of tables for table in "tbl1" "tbl2" "tbl3" do sqoop import --connect "jdbc:$driver://$ip:$port;DatabaseName=$database" --username $username --password $password --target-dir $hdfsdest --delete-target-dir --num-mappers 1 --table $table --hive-import --hive-table $table --hive-overwrite --hive-database drive_jobs --hive-drop-import-delims done