SQOOP - Execute Hive query with beeline
SQOOP - Execute Hive query with beeline
This article describe how to execute an Hive query in SQOOP with beeline
Be sure to have enought rights to access database.
Query Hive with SQOOP and beeline
Sqoop Hive query
#Declare Hive query my_query='use default;show tables' #Execute the beeline command with the Hive query beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://nn1:10000/;ssl=false' -n "$user_name" -p "$password" -e "$my_query"
Query Hive with SQOOP and beeline with HDFS file
Sqoop Hive query from HDFS file
#Get Hive Query from HDFS file my_query='hdfs dfs -cat /user/full_path/hive_query.txt' #Execute the beeline command with the Hive query beeline -u 'jdbc:hive2://nn1:10000/;ssl=false' -n "$user_name" -p "$password" -e "$my_query"
Note: The Hive query has to be written in one line with semicolon to separate multiple Hive query.
Hive query
use default;show tables