Apache Nifi

Apache Nifi

Using Apache Nifi on Saagie

Docker creation

An is available at the following URL: https://hub.docker.com/r/bbonnin/nifi/

In order to use it on Saagie, you need to create a job in the Docker capsule with the following configuration:

  • Docker image URL: bbonnin/nifi:1.6.0-s3
  • External application access
    • Expose the application outside the platform through an HTTP port => Checked
    • The container HTTP port used by Nifi is the 80.
    • You can use the custom URL options if you want.
    • External application authentication: keep private, otherwise anyone could access your work.
    • Internal application access => Unchecked
  • CPU: default value should be enough.
  • RAM: minimum: 1024 MB
  • Disk: as much as you need.

Connection to Nifi

Open your browser using the link provided in the Data Fabric or the one you provide in the configuration.


As the current image does not provide an efficient way to backup your projects, it is recommended to manually export your flow definition (as templates).

  • Go to Nifi
  • On the left, in the "Operate" box, click on the icon "Create Template", set a name and click on "Create"
    • Now, you have a template, saved in Nifi
  • For exporting the template on your PC:
    • In the upper right, click on the hamburger icon, then click on "Templates" in the menu
    • In the list, click on the download icon to get it (it's a xml file)

For using a template:

  • Go to Nifi
  • Right click in the main page, click on "Upload template"
  • Select the XML file containing the template definition
  • Once the template has been loaded, you can add the template to your flows by clicking on the icon "Template"

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