Java - Read & Write tables from Hive with security

Java - Read & Write tables from Hive with security

Github Project : example-java-read-and-write-from-hive-with-security


Common part

Maven Dependencies



Hive Connection Url

Connection URL are like that : jdbc:hive2://hiveserver:10000/;ssl=false

Default port is 10000.


Init Connection

// Set JDBC Hive Driver
// Connect to Hive
con = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl,user,password);
// Init Statement
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();


How to create a Hive table with Java?

String sqlStatementDrop = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS helloworld";
String sqlStatementCreate = "CREATE TABLE helloworld (message String) STORED AS PARQUET";
// Execute DROP TABLE Query
// Execute CREATE Query


How to insert data into a Hive table with Java?

String sqlStatementInsert = "INSERT INTO helloworld VALUES (\"helloworld\")";
// Execute INSERT Query


How to select data from a Hive table with Java?

String sqlStatementSelect = "SELECT * from helloworld";
// Execute SELECT Query
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlStatementSelect);
// Process results
while(rs.next()) {

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