Python - Index & Search documents in ElasticSearch
Python - Index & Search documents in ElasticSearch
Gist Page : example-python-read-and-write-from-elasticsearch
Common part
Libraries dependency
import pandas as pd from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk import os
ElasticSearch Connection
Default port is 9200
# ====== Connection ====== # # Connection to ElasticSearch es = Elasticsearch(['http://'+os.environ['ELASTICSEARCH_IP'] +':'+ os.environ['ELASTICSEARCH_PORT']],timeout=600) # Simple index creation with no particular mapping es.indices.create(index='helloworld',body={})
How to insert a document in ElasticSearch with Python ?
Code example
# ====== Inserting Documents ====== # # Creating a simple Pandas DataFrame liste_hello = ['hello1','hello2'] liste_world = ['world1','world2'] df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'hello' : liste_hello, 'world': liste_world}) # Bulk inserting documents. Each row in the DataFrame will be a document in ElasticSearch documents = df.to_dict(orient='records') bulk(es, documents, index='helloworld',doc_type='foo', raise_on_error=True)
How to search a document in ElasticSearch with Python ?
Code example
# ====== Searching Documents ====== # # Retrieving all documents in index (no query given) documents = es.search(index='helloworld',body={})['hits']['hits'] df = pd.DataFrame(documents) # Retrieving documents in index that match a query documents2 = es.search(index='helloworld',body={"query":{"term":{"hello" : "hello1" }}})['hits']['hits'] df2 = pd.DataFrame(documents2)