Query Impala with Power BI

Query Impala with Power BI

Connection Power BI to Impala

Power BI offers two gateways, fitting each of those scenarios well. These two gateway offerings from Power BI are the following:

  • On-premises data gateway (personal mode) – allows one user to connect to sources, and can’t be shared with others. Can only be used with Power BI.
  • On-premises data gateway – allows multiple users to connect to multiple on-premises data sources, and can be used by Power BI, PowerApps, Flow, and Azure Logic apps, all with a single gateway installation.

In this wiki the only the procedure of installation the footbridge of local data One premises (multi-users) will be introduced.

Prerequested, the footbridge must be to install on an equipment under Windows at the customer. A VPN access must be set up between the platform and the equipment customer in the case of a resolution Saagie Cloud or an opening of harbour (chip of exception) must be made in the case of Appliance on network customer.


There are three parts, or stages, to putting a gateway to work:

  • Install the gateway
  • Add users to the gateway (let them use the gateway)
  • Connect to data sources

Install the gateway

To install a gateway, open the Power BI service and log in with your Power BI account. In the Power BI service, select the download icon in the upper right corner, as shown in the following image, and select Data Gateway.

Start the download and start the installation.

Select Next to continue the installation.

Here’s where you decide which gateway you’ll install – on-premises gateway, or a personal gateway. In this guide, we’ll install the On-premises data gateway.+

There are a few things to note at this decision point:

  • Both gateways require 64-bit Windows operating systems.
  • Gateways can’t be installed on a domain controller.
  • You can install up to two on-premises data gateways on the same computer, one running in each mode (personal and standard).
  • You cannot have more than one gateway running in the same mode on the same computer.
  • You can install multiple on-premises data gateways on different computers, and manage them all from the same Power BI gateway management interface (excluding personal, see the following bullet point).
  • You can only have one personal mode gateway running for each Power BI user. If you install another personal mode gateway for the same user, even on a different computer, the most recent installation replaces the existing previous installation.

Specify where to install it and the default location is usually better.

Identify the account to use with the gateway. This should be the account (the username and password) you use to log on to Power BI; the gateway is associated with your Power BI account, and you configure gateways from within the Power BI service.

Once logged in, you must create a recovery key, which is necessary to retrieve or move your gateway.

When all goes well, you’ll see a window that tells you that your gateway is ready.

The installation of the local gateway is complete. 

The next step is to add users or add data sources. You can start by doing one of the operations and then the other after the initial setup.

Add sources and users to a gateway

Add a source

From Power BI Online, select the gear icon in the upper right corner and select Manage Gateways.

The Administrators tab, allows management of the gateway administrators. 

To add an Impala data source, click Add Data Source.

Add users to the data source

From the Gateway Administration window select the data source and select the Users tab, to add users so that they access the selected data source. It is also possible to authorize groups of people (email address of the group) as well as people to access.




Publish a Power BI report online.

In Power BI desktop to publish a report click on Publish.

Select the destination location


When publishing the report opens a personal data gateway, to share the document it is necessary to change the data source to connect to the gateway (not personnal mode).

From Power BI Online, select the gear icon in the upper right corner and select settings.

Select the Data Sets tab, then select the previously published dataset with the report. In the connection settings to the gateway Select Use a data gateway.


Your report is now connected through the gateway in the on premises mode .

source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/service-gateway-getting-started