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You may find resources about Docker at:

Your Shiny app in a Docker image

Your Dockerfile should look like:

FROM saagie/shiny4saagie
# Alternatively, use saagie/shiny4saagie-supercharged with pre-installed dependencies, or build your own
# intermediate layer that suits your needs

# Install R packages required by your Shiny app
RUN R -e 'install.packages(c("DT", "magrittr"), repos="")'

# Copy your Shiny app to /srv/shiny-server/myapp
COPY myapp /srv/shiny-server/myapp

# Launch Shiny Server
CMD ["/usr/bin/"]

Your Shiny app should reside in a folder named myapp (or edit the Dockerfile accordingly) alongside the Dockerfile.
(See for instance the folder structure of

You may build your Docker image:

Pull your Shiny app on the platform

Warning: the URL of the Docker image must only contain <repository name> / <image_name> and not <repository_name> / <image_name>

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