R - Install package "Youtube" in your platform

The package "Youtube" allow to recover data in a channel Youtube.

Data add directly in HDFS.

Step 1 : Download "youtube.tar"

Step 2 : Upload "youtube.tar" in a platform Saagie

Example "Command to launch the job" :


$KEY_API_YOUTUBE : Create your KEY API with https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started



Example with the channel Saagie : UCvCLUuHrHVovgWL6DgRdiAQ 

Step 3 : Run a job

The job create two files in Hadoop File Distributed (Explore datalake in a directory "user/hdfs/youtube/").

The first file recover data activities :  

The second file recover data videos :

Warning : The separator of files is "\001".